Key Terms
General Education: the instruction every student receives in the general education classroom (Tier 1)
MTSS: Multi Tiered System of Supports
RTI: Response to Intervention
Progress Monitoring: used to assess student progress or performance in those areas in which they were identified by universal screening as being at-risk for failure
Universal Screener: assessments are administered to all students three times a year to determine who is at-risk for reading failure.
Special Education: services up and beyond general education
Supplemental Instruction: instruction to directly address an area of need; often implemented in small-group settings (Tier 2)
Intensive Instruction: students who are struggling in reading may be identified to receive more thorough instruction to help them learn and stay on track
Researched Based Interventions: interventions that have been scientifically proven to be effective for most students
Differentiated Instruction: the process of designing lesson plans that meet the needs of the entire range of learners in the classroom
Formative Assessment: classroom and curriculum evaluations used to monitor student progress toward learning outcomes and to inform instructional decision-making
Summative Assessment: a comprehensive evaluation that measures a student's level of learning at the end of a unit of study
Tier 3: for students who require more intense, explicit and individualized instruction and have not shown sufficient response to Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions