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St. Ansgar CSD

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Daily Announcements


Thursday, March 6, 2025


If you want to send Kaylee Horgen a card, please put them in the basket in the office marked Cards for Kaylee.


If you have pictures of Ayden that you would like to share with his mom and the family, they would love to see them.  Please email these to Desi Igou.  


If you would like to leave a note, memory, or message for Ayden, you may put it on the hallway wall towards Mr. Johnson’s room. Please have these finished by the end of the day as we will take these notes to Darcy after school today.


Rachel Squier, physical therapist and athletic trainer with Athletico Physical Therapy in St. Ansgar will be available in Room 112 (the corner room across from German Classroom) from 3:15 until 3:40 PM today and every Tuesday afternoon during the school year for Free Injury Screens. Please sign up on the clipboard at the high school office window or drop-in!  (*Leave in the announcements and read every Tuesday.)