Daily Announcements
Friday, January 24, 2025
Seniors, please fill out the form Lylah sent you by TODAY.
Melissa Hocken, our CCTC, is here TODAY.
Band Students: Mrs. Mix will be here for 7th and 8th blocks. It will be a full band day today.
The Cards for Kaylee campaign is still going on. If you want to send Kaylee Horgen a card to brighten her day and send her lots of positive thoughts and encouragement, please put them in the box in the office marked Cards for Kaylee. She appreciates every note! 85 cards were sent to her last week. Let's try and beat it this week!
We will be hosting the Top of Iowa Conference boys wrestling tournament here TOMORROW. ALL of the middle school and high school locker rooms will be used. You need to make sure all of your belongings are picked up, put away in your locker, and your lockers are LOCKED! The school will not be responsible for items left out. Everything needs to be put away and locked up no later than the end of the day TODAY.
Seniors, please fill out the Senior Superlative form by next Friday, January 31st. We need this information for the yearbook.
Rachel Squier, physical therapist and athletic trainer with Athletico Physical Therapy in St. Ansgar will be available in Room 112 (the corner room across from German Classroom) from 3:15 until 3:40 PM today and every Tuesday afternoon during the school year for Free Injury Screens. Please sign up on the clipboard at the high school office window or drop-in! (*Leave in the announcements and read every Tuesday.)